Seafarer's tax advice for container ship crew

Working outside the UK for significant periods at a time, you are more than likely eligible to qualify for the seafarer's earnings deduction allowance (SED).

Seafarers tax advice for container ship crew

Seafarer's Tax Advice for Super-Yacht Crew

As you work aboard the yachts and subsequently out of the UK for significant periods at a time, you are more than likely eligible to qualify for the seafarer's earnings deduction allowance (SED).

Seafarers Tax Advice for Super-Yacht Crew

Seafarer's tax advice for wind farm ship crew

If you work outside the UK for significant periods at a time, you may be able to claim back your income tax according to the seafarer's earnings deduction allowance (SED).

Seafarers tax advice for wind farm ship crew

Our seafarers claim back 100% of their income tax if they meet certain criteria. Do you qualify?

Seafarer's tax advice and tax return submission

SK Tax Service is a seafarer’s tax advisory service providing merchant seamen and seafarers with dependable income tax advice which has saved our clients literally millions of pounds in income tax over the years.

SK Tax Service has been submitting tax returns for seafarers for over 30 years. Steve King has been advising seafarers on their tax affairs for over 36 years. There aren't many people who are in a better position than Steve and his team to give you more informed advice.

We aim to remove the stress and confusion caused when dealing with your income tax affairs and put to rest that nagging voice in the back of your mind "Am I getting everything back to which I am entitled?" Also we deal with overseas workers who are employed shore side abroad rather than on vessels. We can offer all the advice you need to make sure that you fulfill the criteria for a non-residency claim.

We hope you will find the information on this site informative and please don't hesitate to contact us for further clarification on where you stand when it comes to claiming your income tax back.

Either give us a call on 01427 753 400 or contact us to discuss your income tax queries. If you don't want to waste another moment then fill out the necessary forms and return them to us to get us on the case straight away.

Learn how you can make sure you qualify for a 100% Seafarers' Earnings Deduction claim.

Seafarer's Earnings Deduction explained

Sign Up Today

To join SK Tax Service please complete the sign-up forms. You can pay your annual fee online using our secure payment form, so that we can get started on your claim as soon as we receive your completed forms.