About Us

About SK Tax Service


In 1979 I helped found Seatax Ltd. when it was recognised there was a valid case for seafarers to claim back their income tax, if they worked outside the UK for a certain amount of time. Seatax was established to provide seafarers with advice and assistance in claiming back their income tax. Ten years later I decided to set up in business on my own and formed SK Tax Service Ltd. with the goal of providing the high level of personal service that had by now become an established niche in the professional tax advisory sector. Please take a look around the site, we have published some common questions that seafarers are searching for answers to, with regard to their income tax status. If you want to take advantage of our service we are ready to take your call or receive your enquiry. Drop us a line and we'll get back to you promptly.


Meet The Team

Our Seafarer's Tax Advisers are all seasoned in the field of providing accurate and insightful information regards the tax affairs of seafarers.

Helen Garner
Amy King
Lauren Long
Rachel Johnson
Paula Storer
Emily Hather
Laura Eagle
Laura Eagle
Michael Garner
Michael Garner
Mark Bond
Mark Bond

Did you know?

The SK Tax Service office has a low carbon footprint thanks to our ground source heating system.

Old Park Drain Pub - Kingsway House

The SK Tax Service office used to be a pub, built before the First World War by German entrepreneurs! There was a coal mine planned to open in the area, so to capitalise on the expected increase of thirsty miners the Park Drain public house was built. Unfortunately for the owners, World War I broke out and despite the mine never opening, the Park Drain was a popular location till its closure in 2003. Steve bought the pub to move his growing business into bigger premises. With solid walls, oil fired central heating and a large space to heat, Steve looked at other solutions for heating. He discovered ground source heating and had it installed in 2014. The heating can be left on 24/7 and costs nothing to run.